0 xCastle

Research Retreat

May 26th - 31st 2024


0xCastle is a 5-day program focused on blockchain education and research, set in a historic castle near Leipzig, Germany. A selected group of researchers, developers, and technical blockchain enthusiasts will convene post-ETHBerlin (May 26-31) to educate, research, and connect.

Focused on pivotal blockchain questions in topics like privacy, scalability, and interoperability, the retreat integrates a mix of talks, workshops, and research groups. Tailored for knowledge sharing between participants, 0xCastle will enable interdisciplinary developments upon these prescient research questions.

0xCastle Landscape

1. Background

After a transformative experience at 0xVillage in Turkey, we were inspired to pursue 0xCastle. Every interaction echoed a shared vision of steering blockchain towards greater ethos of transparency and privacy. 0xVillage made us realize how those values are getting lost in the culture of web3, the applications built, and how we communicate with each other.

Decentralization must be reclaimed from its status as a buzzword littering blockchain discourse. 0xCastle emerges as a response - a call to the technical community to embody and reinforce the principles of blockchain. Through a blend of peer-to-peer teaching, open dialogue, and collective problem-solving, we will navigate the forefront of blockchain innovation, steadily aligning our ideations with the core principles.

Our team, with its experience in organizing events like 0xVillage, TUM Blockchain Conference, Ledgerfest, and many more, is committed to fostering an impactful experience. Given these seeds, 0xCastle serves as more than a platform for education and research; it's a journey towards first-principle thinking in our work, connections, and inner selves.

2. Event Overview

The heart of 0xCastle lies in the salon-style atmosphere. It is designed to encourage free-flowing conversation and the exchange of innovative ideas, whether through formal sessions or leisurely activities in the castle's awe-inspiring environment. This balanced mix of focused education and relaxed brainstorming paves the way for organic inspiration and cross-disciplinary collaboration, making 0xCastle a unique opportunity for professional blockchain advancement and personal growth.

2.1 Content

The 0xCastle Research Retreat, unfolding over five days, welcomes technical blockchain enthusiasts from all ecosystems. Participants will be immersed in a comprehensive program focused on learning, research, and connection. The talks, workshops, and research sessions will be delivered from a vetted lineup of attendees, educational collaborators, speakers, and sponsors. The selection spans from introductory talks to in-depth research discussions, covering topics like cryptography (ZK, MPC, FHE), layer 2 & rollups, disaggregated blockchain layers, mechanism design, and more, depending on expressed interest. This participant-driven approach ensures an exchange of knowledge and ideas, where each attendee has the potential to absorb new knowledge and contribute knowledge from their professional backgrounds to the collective wisdom.

2.2 Logistics

After ETH Berlin, we'll shuttle attendees from Berlin to Burgscheidungen. You can also travel directly if not attending the hackathon. The retreat features all-inclusive meals and beverage selections, along with flexible accommodations ranging from dorms to private rooms ($40 to $250 per night).

3. Attendees

In this section, we will detail the different groups of present attendees, why this event is valuable to them, and how they can participate. Apply to attend.

3.1 Participants

0xCastle welcomes 50 participants, mostly developers and researchers, with a composition that’s 40% academic and 60% industry. Applicants are encouraged to propose topics they are passionate about presenting at the retreat. We seek applicants who are committed to innovation and eager to make substantial contributions to the advancement of blockchain technology.

3.2. Partners

0xCastle allocates some slots for educational and community partners, supporting their presence through financial aid. Beyond participation, educational non-profits, such as university blockchain clubs, can apply to present their organization's research at the retreat.

3.2.1 Educational Partners

TUM Blockchain Club TUM Blockchain Club


Berkeley Berkeley

UC Berkeley

Cornell Cornell


Cambridge Cambridge




L2Beat L2Beat




Waterloo Waterloo


Kryptosphere Kryptosphere


3.2.2 Community Partners

Cointelegraph Cointelegraph


Blockchain Bundesverband Blockchain Bundesverband


Crypto Nomads Club Crypto Nomads Club


European Blockchain Association European Blockchain Association




3.3 Sponsors

We warmly encourage sponsors who wish to support our commitment to research and education to contact us. Your involvement enhances educational opportunities and accessibility, particularly enabling student participation without financial barriers.

Aeternity Aeternity


Avalanche Avalanche


Ethereum Foundation Ethereum Foundation


3.4 Speakers

0xCastle's sessions are mainly led by attendees and some sponsor representatives. A few external experts are invited to complement our lineup with specialized insights, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of blockchain advancements.

5. The Castle

The CryptoCastle of Burgscheidungen, a beacon of Baroque architecture, traces its roots to the 6th century as a speculated royal seat of the Thuringian Empire. Today, it serves as a vibrant meeting point for technology and blockchain enthusiasts, offering a rich tapestry of facilities, including a spa, workshop, and gala rooms, diverse accommodations, a rave basement, and a bar, all encircled by expansive parklands and a river. Its diverse activities, from volleyball to historical tours through castle gardens, make it an exemplary venue for blending intellectual engagement with leisure.